~ nana's home ~

this is a banana's website!


This is a test page, and it should change based on navigation items.


I like yellow, but my favorite color is blue.

So... I've always wanted to make a website. When I was little, I would spend hours, and hours on rabbit holes throught the internet. Flashy websites, absurd gifs, who grew up in the 00's knows what I'm talking about. I would see an explosion of creativity, art, and humour that made me want to be a part of it. Unfortunately, my constant pursue for being creative never got to an actual action. It seems as if I've tried everything to be creative: playing the guitar, creating videos on Windows Video Maker, drawing, painting... But there was ALWAYS this huge cement wall blocking my way: social media.

Us 00's kids got the end of the good internet - with all the personal do-it-yourself creative websites -, but ended up fixating, and getting addicted to social media in the most hineous and capitalistic way possible. At least, that's the way I feel and how I justify myself on never being able to learn any creative shit.

Speed up to some several years later: after graduating twice, getting a Master's degree in Computer Science, and, FINALLY, being a mediocre employee with plenty of free time, I figured: "Why not make my own website?". It was around 2024, that I decided to delete all my social media (after 10 years of addiction), that I've heard about the Small Web (or Cozy Web, or Indie Web), and decided that it was time.

So here it is: me trying to embark on this challenge. Trying to get to know me a little bit more, while exploring some skills that I have always admired and hoped for. All anonymously. All creatively.

Let's gooooooo!


Today, I've listened to a french podcast from "France Culture", which interviewed sociologist David Le Breton about our "spectral society". Their discussion - although completely biased by three generational boomers- made me laugh a little. They were talking about how each time they go out, they never see faces anymore, because humans are scrouching over their phones.

Coincidentally, this is something that I was thinking about the day before. I went out with two friends for a happy hour on my favorite burguer restaurant: "El Chancho". It was, actually, supposed to be a date with a friend who lives in another city, but our mutual friend ended up coming too. No problems, because I absolutely love being around people - and more people, the better. Although... During all our encounter, both my friends spent almost all the time over their phones. I personally do not use social media, except for Linkedin (to have my ego boosted), and for Tinder (to also have my ego boosted - but also, to be able to meet people, as I am a homeofficer which never has opportunities to meet new people).

I'm 27 and brazillian, so I had the "privilege" to have a childhood not completely spoiled by smartphones. I traveled to the country side, and would play hide-and-seek, "cabra-cega", "pega-pega" with my cousins. I would walk kilometers within my grandmother's farm around the Caatinga to find differente bugs, bones, and make believe stories I would create based on my surroundings. I fell, played ball in the streets, boardgames, terror stories in the "breu" of a starry night... I would also spend hours on my home's telephone talking with my friends - hearing their voices!!! -, I would visit them, and play, gossip, dream with real-life experiences. These are memories that really shaped me on who I am today.

I am absolutely fond of real moments. Of observing birds flying above the sea, of little fishes jumping off waves, of different tones of sand within the beach, of the way thesun bathes flowers during the afternoon, of the sound of chirping early in the morning... And, above all, I LOVE hearing the sound of my friends' and family's laughter. Talking about every absurd that crosses our minds, our feelings, our frustrations, our daily struggles... Man, these are the things that make me happy about being alife. There is absolutely nothing in the internet that makes me FEEL alive. Or grateful.

So, during this happy hour I had with my friends, I was quite frustrated on their behavior. If we can be together, why would you escape from reality to something fake? It didn't make sense to me, but I stayed there either way, observing my surroundings while they laughed off memes and subjects from subcelebrities I had no idea about.

The thing is, a few hours after this meeting happened, I had another date (yes, I am the terror of monogamy). I met this guy from Tinder which was pretty cool, and decided to meet him in person - because I totally despise getting to know someone through the internet. We met at "Pinhões", a cool-leftists-young-bohemian market in my city where we drink in red (or yellow) traditional brazillian plastic bar chairs. What happened during this date? Neither of us touched our cellphones the whole night. And it was special, exactly because of that. It is human connection. It is true communication. It is what us, as humans, are supposed to do. See each other faces. Flee from this spectral new way-of-life, where people are in the same environment, but are not truly together. Just a spectre of a society.
